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i:he officekb on the active and retired lists of the royal navy, general
REGULATIONS, etc., etc.
To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from
H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses :
Imperial Hoose, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2, and
Abingdon Street, London, S.W. 1 ; 37, Peter Street, Manchester ;
St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff ; 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ;
or from E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin.
1919. Price Six Shillings, Net.
The M( Seaman pendent
"Dreadnoi for relit time of or acclder
Among patients of "Dreadnoi are many who have 8< thelrtlme Royal Navj
Seamen's Hospital Soci
President: Admiral The Marquess of MILFORD HAVEN, P. C. , G.C.B., G.C.V.O., K.CM.l
Chairman of Committee : Vice- Chairman :
Perceval A. Nairne, Esq. Captain Francis M. Ommanney,
Bankers : Messrs. WILLIAMS DEACON'S BANK, Limited.
■Secretary : P. J. Michelli, Esq., C.M.G.
The Officers of the Senior Service have always given gen support to fhe " Dreadnought " in caring for the ill and injured of the Merchant Service.
On the election of Admiral The Marquess of Milford Hav< the office of President, the Committee earnestly appeal for new soribers and for collections.
A list of Officers and Ships who have contributed in the past w forwarded on application to the Secretary.
Address for Contributions,
The Secretary,
Greenwich, S
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(61 'uvf 9 -Jrfoo®) 'X "H 'niidtnaio
sx'Snvxz t -a "nosjBBa
9X'8nv»X T'nosnioqx 9l-anv8 'f -V 'J9»B9q
oihvxno ivaxNao mi
•BpieuBO— seojoj easjeAQ
[Croum Copyright- Reserved]
Ujg &utf)imtg.
OCTOBER, 1919,
Corrected to
The 18th SEPTEMBER, 1919.
To be purchased through any Bookseller, or directly from
H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses :
•Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2, and 28 Abingdon Street, London, S W. 1 ;
37, Peter Street, Manchester ; 1 St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff ;
23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ;
or from E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin
Officers and others who may notice errors or omissions in the List are invited to communicate direct with
The Editor of the Navy List, Admiralty,
London, S.W. 1. Such communications should not be sent to the Printers or Publishers. They should be marked "On His Majesty's Service," and need not be stamped.
No Appointments made after the 18th of the Month preceding publication can be inserted in the body of the Navy List until the following List is published.
The following Officers must send annually between 1st January and 81st March a notification to the Editor of their being alive, other- wise their names will be removed from the List: —
Officers on the Retired List who have commuted their Retired
pay. Officers retired with a gratuity.
Officers of the late Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers. Officers on the Emergency List of over 55 years of age. Officers allowed to retain their rank on being invalided.
Retired or Honorary Officers of the Royal Naval Reserve must also send annually, between the same dates as mentioned above, a similar notification to the Registrar General of Seamen in order to prevent their names being removed from the List.
Officers who succeed to peerages, baronetcies, or courtesy titles should immediately notify the same to the Secretary of the Admiralty, in order that the necessary alterations may be made in the Navy List and in the Official Records of the Admiralty.
The Navy List is compiled and published by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for the convenience of the Service; but, as errors may occasionally occur, their Lordships must expressly reserve their right to determine the status of any Officer according to the actual circumstances of the case, inde- pendently of any Entry in the Navy List.
By command of their Lordships,
The attention of Officers on the Retired Lists, desirous of being considered in the awards of Naval and Greenwich Hospital Pensions, is directed to the necessity of applying to the Secretary to the Admiralty for the forms as to services, claims, circum- stances, &c, required to be filled up by candidates.
These Pensions are established for the purpose of affording relief to such retired Officers as may be in the opinion of the Admi- ralty most deserving, provided they have the necessary service, &c, required to render them eligible in accordance with Articles 1928-9 of the King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions of 19X8.
96735. Wt, 21029/637. 6876 10U9. J.J.K, * Co., Ltd,
Abbreviations . . . xx
Accountant - General of the Navy
— Department of the . . .1331 Accountant Officers —
List of 477
Retired, List of. . . .2013 Eoyal Naval Reserve, Regula- tions as to . . .2375 Accountant Officers who have served
as Secretaries .... 270 Acting Engineer Lieutenants . . 442 Acting Lieutenants .... 382 Acting Sub-Lieutenants, List of . 106 Acting Warrant Officers, List of,
in Seniority 534
Active List —
Alphabetical List of Officers on . 2 List of Officers on, in Seniority . 321 Officers allowed on . . .2293 Removals from . . . .2422 Royal Naval Reserve . . .1166 Admiral Commanding Coast Guarc* and Reserves —
Office of 1109
Admirals, List of, in Seniority . 322
Admirals of the Fleet, List of, in
Seniority . . . . 321
Admirals of the Fleet, Retired, List
of, in Seniority . . . .1943 Admirals, Retired, List of, in
Seniority 1943
Admiralty —
Accountant-General's Depart- ment 1831
Air Division . . . .1817 Airship Equipment Department
1822a Airship Production and Repairs
Department . . . .1822 Armament Supply Department
1820/ Chaplain of the Fleet. . .1839 Civil Engineer-in-Chief's, Depart- .
meat 1837
Colonial Courts of .IS" 3
Communications Division . .1816 Compass Department . 1820; Contract and Purchase Depart- ment . . . .1828 Controller's Department . .1819 Finance Branch . . .1823 Controller General of Merchant
Shipbuilding . . .1823
Costings Investigation Division 1832 Director of Dockyafds and Repairs .... 1820;
a 2
Admiralty — contd. page
Dockyard Expense Accounts
Department . . . .1823 Education Department . .1839 Electrical Engineering Depart- ment .... 1820a1 Engineer in Chief's Department 1820 Greenwich Hospital Department 1839 Gunnery and Torpedo Division . 1817 Hydrographic Departmest .1818
Judicial Department . 1881
Jurisdiction of . 1881
Local Defence Division . 1816a Medical Department . .1836
Mercantile Movements Divisionl817 Mobilisation Division . 1817a Minesweeping Division . 1816a Naval Construction Departmentl819 Naval Equipment Department 1820a Naval I ntel ligence Division .1814 Naval Ordnance Department 1820a" Naval Recruiting Department 1817a Naval Staff . . . .1814 Naval Store Department . .1829 Operations Division. . . .1814 Pattern Rooms . . . .1825 Paymaster Director General,
Department of . . .1836 Plans Division . . . .1814 Scientific Research and
Experiment Department .184!z Secretary's Department . .1813 Statistics Department . ,1827 Torpedoes and Mining Depart- ment .... 1820^ Trade Division . . . .1816 Training and Staff Duties Divi- sion . ^ , /. .1817 Transport Department . .1834 Victualling Department . .1833 Visual Board . . . 1841a Wireless Telegraphy Board 1841a
Admiralty, Lords Commissioners of the . . . ... 320,1812
Admiralty of Great Britain and Ireland. Jurisdiction of . . .1881
Admiralty Recruiting Service, Officers employed on . .1882
Admiralty Trawlers . . . 960
Admiralty Volunteer Committee .1687
Adviser on Education, Education Department 1839
Agents — |
Law .... |
.1882 |
Navy and Prize . |
.2410 |
Surgeons and . . |
.1873 |
Aides-de-Camp to the King, Naval
and Marine . . . .317
Air Division . .1817
Airship Equipment Department 1822a Airship Production and Repairs
Department 1822
Air Stations . . .1119
Albert Medal- Officers and Men to whom
awarded . . . .2200
Statutes of . . . .2389
Allowances —
Compassionate, for children of
Officers 2356
Equipment, for Retired Officers
Voluntarily Re-employed .2396
To children of widows of men 2373
To Ship's Company, scale of .2252
Almanac, Nautical, Office. . .1840
Alphabetical Index of Officers —
Of Royal Indian Marine .1158
Of Royal Naval Reserve . .1166 Of Royal Naval Volunteer
Reserve 1597
On the Active List, Royal Navy
and Royal Marines. . . 2 On the Retired and Reserved Lists. Royal Navy and Royal
Marines 1910
Alphabetical List of Ships and Vessels of the Royal Navy, with their Officers, and present Stations 721 Apprentices, Dockyard, entry of .2354 Armament Supply Department 1820/ Armourers, Commissioned List of . 551 Armourers, Warrant, List of, in
Seniority 551
Artificer Engineers —
Chief, List of, in Seniority . 539
List of, in Seniority . . . 542 Scale of Pensions for . . .2279 Temporary .... 549 Artificers, Boy, Regulations for
entry of 2352
Artillery Volunteers, Royal Naval
(late). List of Officers of . .2078 Assessors for Shipping Casualties .1882 Assessors under Supreme Court of
Judicature Act . . . .1881 Assistant Engineers, Retired —
Acting and First Class, List of,
in Seniority . . .2005 List of, in Seniority . . .2005 Attache's, Naval . . .1817 Australia, Naval Forces of Common- wealth of 1884
Australian Fleet .... 946 Auxiliary Small Craft, List of . .1023
Badges, distinctive . . . .2256 1 Bandmasters, Royal Marines, who hav? been awarded the Silver Medal of the Worship- ful Company of Musicians - 2416a Baptist Chaplains . . . 453
Bath, Order of —
Knights, etc., of . . 2092
Officers of 2103
Qualifications for . . .2383 Beaufort Testimonial . . .2333 Board of Admiralty . . 320, 1812
Board of Invention and Research .1842 Board of Trade Certificates of Com- petency and Service . . .2396 Board of Trade Medal, List of
recipients 2202
Boatswains, Chief, List of, in Seniority 525
Scale of Pensions for . 2279
Boatswains, Chief Signal List of, in
Seniority . . . . .531
Scale of Pensions for . . .2279
Boatswains, List of, in Seniority . 527
Scale of Pensions for . . .2279
Temporary, List of . . . 530
Boatswains, Signal List of, in Seniority 531
Scale of Pensions for . . .2279
Temporary, List of . . . 532
Boy Artificers, Regulations for
entry of 2352
Boy Artificers, Teaching Staff . .1869 Boy Artificers Establishment,
Devonport {See under ' Indus.') Boy Artificers' Establishment, Portsmouth {See under ' Fisgard ') Boy Shipwrights,Entry of . .2355 Boys, Entry of . . .2352
Boys Corps, R.NR.V. . . .1811 British Empire, Order of Knights,
etc "". .2115
Qualifications for . ' . .2383
Cadet Corps, Volunteer . .1811
Cadets, Naval- -
Entry and Training of . .2335
Entry of, from " Conway " .2340
Canada, Establishments of . .1907
Naval Forces of . . .1900J
Ships of 952
Canteen Board, Navy & Army .1844 Captain Superintendent of Contract
Built Ships 181$
Captain Superintendent of Torpedo Boat Destroyers building by Contract .... 181§
Captains —
List of, In Seniority . . .329 War Course for . . .2102
Captains .Retired —
List of, in Seniority . . .1953 Promoted from Commanders' List,
List of 1954
Promoted from Lieutenants' List,
List of 1960
Promoted from Staff Captains'
List, List of . . .1951
Promoted from Staff Com- manders' List, List of . .1962 Certificates of Competency and
Service, Board of Trade . .2395
Chadwick Naval Prize . .. .2333 Chaplain of the Fleet . . .447 Chaplain of the Fleet, Office of 1839,1869
Chaplains —
Baptist % 453
Entry of, Regulations as to .2346 Honorary, to the King . .318 List of, in Seniority . . . 447 Presbyterian .... 453 Roman Catholic. . . 453
Wesleyan. .... 453
Chaplains, Acting, for Temporary Service, List of ... 450
Chaplains, Entry of, Regulations as to2346
Chaplains of the Royal Navy holding Greenwich Hospital Livings . .1869
Chaplains of the Fleet, Retired, List of 1988
Chaplains Retired, «List of, in Seniority 1988
Chief Artificer Engineers —
List of, in Seniority . . . 539 Pensioned, List of . . .2040 Scale of Pensions for . .2279
Chief Boatswains —
List of, in Seniority . . . 525 Pensioned, List of . . .2039 Scale of Pensions for . . .2279
Chief Engineers, Retired, List of, in Seniority . . . 2001, 2003
Chief Gunners —
List of, in Seniority . . . 504 Pensioned, List of . . .2038 Scale of Pensions for . . .2279
Chief inspectors of Machinery, Retired, List of, in Seniority . .1992
Chief Masters- at- Arms —
List of, in Seniority . . . 534 Scale of Pensions for . . 2279
Chief Officers of Coast Guard . till
Chief Royal Marine Gunners —
List of, in Seniority . . 687
Chief Schoolmasters —
List of, in Seniority . . . 552 Pensioned, List of . . 2010 Officers Pensioned with relative
rank of Lieutenant . .2037
Regulations as to . . .2354 Scale of Pensions for . . .2280
Chief Signal Boatswains —
List of, iu Seniority . . . 531 Retired, List of, in Seniority .2039
Civil Departments of the Navy — (See Admiralty).
Civil Engineer-in-Chief's Depart- ment 1837
Coast Guard —
Chief Officers of . .1111
District Paymasters of .1116
Inspecting Officers of Divi^ons .1110 Officers employed in Service of .1109 Officers of Districts of . .1117 Officers of Stations of . .1111 Scale of Pensions for Chief Officers, etc., of . . .2279
Coast Guard and Reserves, Office of Admiral Commanding . . .1109
Coast Guard Cruisers —
List of, with their Officers .1118 Officers of 1117
Colleges —
Royal NavalCollege,Dartmouth 1866 Royal Naval College, Osborne . 1867 Royal Naval College, Greenwich :
Officers of . .1865
Officers studying at 1865
Royal Naval College, Keyham .1868
Royal Naval War College . .1868
Regulations . . . .2402
Colonial Courts of Admiralty . .1883
Commander Egerton Prize . ,2334
Commander Llewelyn Prize . .2334
Commanders, Flag, List of . . 693
Commanders —
List of, in Seniority . . 336
War Course f or . . . .2102 Temporary, List of . 347
Commanders on Reserved Half-Pay, List of, in Seniority . , . .1964
Commanders, Retired —
As Captains, List of . . .1954 List of, in Seniority . . .1963 Promoted from Lieutenants' List List of . . . 1964, 1965
Commanders, .Retired — contd.
Promoted from Staff Com- manders' List, List of . .1976 Commissioned Electricians . . 551 Commissioned Masters at Arms . 534 Pensoned, List of . . .2040 Commissioned Mechanicians, List of 550 Commissioned Ordnance Officers,
List of 551
Commissioned Shipwrights —
List of, in Seniorfty . . 534
Pensioned, List of . . .2040 Officers Pensioned with rela- tive rank of Lieutenant .2037 Scale of Pensions for . .2279 Commissioned Victualling Officers —
List of 555
Scale cf Pensions for . .2279
Commissioned Telegraphists, List of. 533 Commissioned Wardmasters —
List of 553
Scale of Pensions for . .2279
Commissioned Writers —
List of 554
Scale of Pensions for . .2279
Commissioners for Executing Office
of Lord High Admiral, etc. 320, 1812 Committees —
Admiralty Volunteer . . .1687 Medical Consultative Board .1841 Commonwealth of Australia —
Naval Forces . . . .1884 Communications Division. . .1816 Compass Department . 1820/
Compassionate allowances "for Child- ren of Officers . . . .2356 Conspicuous Gallantry Medal 2160, 23.86 Constructors, Royal Corps of Naval .1845 Consultant Physicians and Surgeons,
Temporary, List of 464
Contract and Purchase Department,
Admiralty 1828
Controller-General of Merchant Ship- building—
Department of . . . .1823
Controller's Department . ■ . .1819
Costings Investigation Divisibn.1832
Dockyard Expense Accounts
Department . . . .1823
' Conway,' Entry of Cadets from 2340
Cookery, Instructors in —
List of, in Seniority . . . 555 Scale of Pensions for . . .2279
Costings Investigation Division .1832
Course, war for Senior Officers, etc. 2402
Courts —
Colonial of Admiralty . .1883 Consular 1883
Cruisers —
Coast Guard, List of, with their
Officers 1H8
Coast Guard, Officers of . .1109
Dartmouth Eoyal Naval College. .1866
Deaths, Removals, etc. . . .2417
Declarations for Half and Retired Pay 2274
Decoration for Officers of the R.N.R. & R.N.V.R 2381
Decoration s —
Order in -which to be worn .2299
Dental Surgeon Lieutenants,
R.N.V.R 1793
Deputy Surgeons-General and Deputy Inspectors-General of Hospitals and Fleets, Retired. List of ,in Seniority 2006
Director of Air Division . . .1817
Director of Airship Production and Repair Department . . .1822
Director of Armament Supply. Department of . . . 1820/
Director-General of the Medical Department 456
Directors-General of the Medical Department, Retired, List of . .2006
Director of Dockyards and Repairs Department . . . 1820;
Director of Electrical Engineering, Department of .182C
Director of Naval Construction, De- partment of 1819
Director of Naval Equipment, De- partment of . . . . 1820^
Director of Naval Ordnance, Depart- ment of, 1820dj
Director of Naval Recruiting, De- partment of ... 1817aj Director of CommunicationsDivisionl81<3
Director of Torpedoes and Mining,
Department of 1820^j
Distinctions, Honorary . . .5 Distinguished Service Cross 2129, 238S Distinguished Service Medal 2165, 2385
Distinguished Service Order —
Companions of . . . .2117 Statutes of . . . .2388 District Paymasters, Coast Guard .1116 Districts, Coast Guard, Officers of thelll7 Divisional Officers of Coast Guard .1110 Dockyard Apprentices, Entry of .2354 Dockvard Expense Accounts Depart- ment 1823
Dockyard and Repairs Department 1820y Dockyards, Principal and other
Officers in the . . . ,1847
Dockyards, of the Dominions . .1907
Eoyal Indian Marine . .1908
Dockyard Schools, Teaching Staff .1868
Dominion Naval Forces —
Australia 1884
Canada 1900
Naval Establishments . .1907 Ships of . . . 946
Dress Regulations —
Naval Officers . . . .2298 Petty Officers Men and
Boys 2312
Royal Marines . . . .2327 Education Department . . .1839 Education, Director of Naval, Office
and Staff of 1865
Educational Establishments . .1865 Of the Dominions . . . 1907 Egerton Prize, Commander . .2334 Electrical Engineering Deparbmentl820rf Electricians, Commissioned . . 551 Electricians, Warrant, List of, in
Seniority . . . . . 5">2 Emergency Officers —
List of 2041
Regulations as to . . .2398 Engineer Captains, List of, in
Seniority 430
Engineer Captains, Retired —
Promoted from Engineer Commanders' List, List of .1995
List of 1992
Engineer Commanders, Retired — As Engineer Captain, List
of 1995
List of, in Seniority . . .2000 Engineer Commanders, List of, in
Seniority 431
Engineer-in-Chief of the Fleet . 430 Engineer-in-Chief, Department of .1820 Engineer Lieutenants, List of, in Seniority 440
Engineer Lieutenants, Acting, List of, in Seniority .... 442
Engineer Lieutenants, Temporary, List of 442
Engineer Lieutenant-Commanders, List of, in Seniority . . . 436
Engineer Lieutenant - Commanders Retired, List of . .2001
Engineer Lieutenants, Retired 2002, 2033
Engineer Officers who have passed through Special Course of Training, etc 429
Engineer Sub-Lieutenants, Tempor- ary, List of, in Seniority. . . 445
Engineer Sub-Lieutenants Retired, List of 2005
Engineer Rear-Admirals —
List of, in Seniority , . . 430 Retired 1992
Engineer Vice- Admirals Retired .1992
Engineers, Artificer —
List of, in Seniority . . . 542 Scale of Pensions for . . .2279 Temporary, Lis*- of . . . 549
Engineers, Chief Artificer, List of, in Seniority 539
Engineers on the Pensioned List —
List of, in Seniority . . .2005
Engineers, Retired —
List of, in Seniority . . .2003 With Rank of Chief Engineer, List of 2003
Entry and Examination of Officers — Physical Requirements for Candi- dates . .2342 Regulations as to . . .2335
Entry of Dockyard Apprentices .2354
Entry of Boys and Youths . .2352
Equerries, Naval, to the King . . 317
Equipment Allowances of Retired Officers Voluntarily Re-employed2396
Examination and Entry of Officers —
Regulations as to . . .2335
Fishery Cruisers for Special Service . 101 1 Flag Commanders and Flag Lieu- tenants, List of ... . 693 Flag Officers—
In Commission, etc. , List of . 693 List of, in Seniority . , . 321 War Course for . . , .2402
Flag Officers, Retired, List of, in
Seniority . . . 1943, 1S50 Fleet Auxiliaries, &c. . . .10V7 Fleet Engineers, Retired, List of,
in Seniority . . . , . — Fleet, Staff, and Chief Engineers,
retired as Inspector of Machinery 1993 Foreign Languages —
Officers qualified as Interpreter
in 1155
Foreign Orders —
Officers Authorised to Wear on
all occasions . . .2203
Regulations as to Wearing . .2383 Full Pay- Royal Marines . . . .2249 Royal Navy . . . .2233
Garter, Order of, Knights of . .2092 Gilbert Blane Medal . . .2333
Good Conduct Medals and Gratuities,
Regulations as to . . . .2391 Goodenough Medal and Fund . .2333 Good Service Pensions —
List of Officers holding . .2083' Rules as to . . . .2368
Graham Naval History Prize . .2334 Gratuities —
For Officers wounded, injured, or invalided during present
War 2262
For Relatives of Officers . .2363 Good Conduct . , . .2391 Greenwich Hospital Department .1839 Greenwich Hospital Livings held by
Chaplains of the Royal Navy .1869 Greenwich Hospital Pensions —
List of Officers in receipt of .2087
Rules as to (Men) . . .2372
Rules as to (Officers) . . .2369
Greenwich, Royal Hospital . .1869
Greenwich Royal Hospital School .1869
Greenwich, Royal Naval College —
Officers of . . . .1865
Officers Studying at the . .1865
Greenwich, Royal Observatory .1840
Gunners, Chief, List of, in Seniority 504
Scale of Pensions for . .2279
Gunners, List of, in Seniority . 507
Scale of Pensions for . .2279
Gunners, Temporary, List of . . 525 Gunners, Chief Royal Mark e —
List of, in Seniority . . . 687 Gunners. Royal Marine, List of, in
Seniority ... .687
Gunnery and Torpedo Division,
Admiralty Naval Staff . .1817
Gunnery School, Portsmouth (see
under 'Excellent')
Half- pay —
Declaration form . . .2274
Officers Discharged to, from
Foreign Service . . .2277
Officers Discharged to, from
Home Service- . . .2278
Procedure for Placing on . .2276
Royal Marines . . . .2261
Royal Navy . , . .2257
Harbour Service, Ships on . . .1 106
Harbour Service, Small Steam Vessels, Tugs, etc., Employed on .1098
Harold Tennyson Memorial Prize... 2334
Headquarters Staff of Royal Marines 663
Headmasters —
List of, in Seniority . . . 503
Regulations as to . . .2354
Scale of Pensions for . .2280
Honorary Chaplains to the King . 318
Honorary Distinctions . . .xxiii
Honorary Lieutenants Retired, List
of .2033
Honorary Officers in His Majesty's
Fleet 319
Honorary Officers of Royal Naval
Reserve . . . .1114
Honorary Physicians to the King . 318 Honorary Surgeons to the King . 318 Hospital, Royal, Greenwich . .1869 Hospital School, Greenwich . .1869
Hospitals, Naval —
List of, with their Officers . .1860
Pharmacists at . . . .1872
Store Matrons at . . 1872
Hospital Ships and Carriers, List of .1012 Hulks, Vessels Available for . ,1097 Humane Society's Medals —
List of Recipients of . . 2412 Regulations as to Wearing . 2395 Hydrographic Department, Ad- miralty 1818
Imperial Service Order, Companions
of 2116
Indian Enrnire, Order of, KnightB
etc., of . * 2108
Indian Marine, Royal —
Alphabetical Index of Officers ofll58 Naval Establishments . . 1908 Officers of, in Seniority . .1161 Relative Rank of Officers of .2407 Uniform for Officers of . .2407 ' Ships of, serving with Royal
Navy 954
Inspector of Recruiting . . . 702 inspectors-General of Hospitals and
Fleets, Retired List of, in Seniority2006 Inspectors of Machinery, Retired —
List of, in Seniority . . .1993 Promoted from Fleet, Staff, and Chief Engineer . . .1993
Instructor Captains, List of, in
Seniority 454
Instructs Commanders, List of,
in Seniority .... 454
Instructor Commanders Retired,
List of, in Seniority . . . 1991 Instructor Lieutenants, List of, in
Seniority 454
Instructor Lieutenants for Tem- porary Service —
List of, in Seniority . . . 455 Regulations as to Entry . .2347 Instructors in Cookery —
List of, in Seniority . . . 555 Scale of Pensions for . . .2279 Intelligence Division of Admiralty
Naval Staff . . . .1814 Interpreters —
Officers, Qualified as . . .1155 Invalided Officers . . . .2081 Invention and Research, Board of .1842
Judicial Department . . .1881 Justice, High Court of, Admiralty Division 1881
Keeper and Steward of Royal Cabins in H.M. Yacht .... 555
King George Prize Scholarships .2334
King's Honorary Physicians, Surgeons and Chaplains . . . 318
King's Naval and Marine Aides-de- Camp 317
King's Naval Equerries . . .317
Lantern Slides —
List of, in local slide libraries .2435 Law Agents .... 1882
Law Officers . . 1882, D-83
Levees, Regulations for . . .2400
Lieutenant-Commanders —
List of, in Seniority . . . 317 Retired, List of, in Seniority .1977 Supplementary List, List of, in
Seniority .... 391
Temporary, List of . . . 389
Lieutenants —
Acting .... 382
Flag, List of . . .693
Honorary, List of . . .2033 List of, in Seniority . . . 366 Retired, List of, in "Seniority .1985 Retired from List of Warrant
Officers 2031
Supplementary List, List of, in
Seniority * ... 390
Temporary, List of . 389
Lifeboat Institution, Royal National,
Medal of 2411
Livings, Greenwich Hospital held by
Chaplains of the Royal Navy .1869 Llewelvn Prize, Commander . .2334 Local Defence Division . . 1816« Lords Commissioners of the Ad- miralty . . • . .320, 1812
Marine Aides-de-Camp to the King . 317
Marines, Royal —
Artillery, Officers of . . . P64 Artillery, Staff of 669
Dress Regulations . . .2327 Entry of . . 2335,2345
Marines, Royal — corttd. page
Full Pay of . . .2249
Half Pay of . . .2271
Headquarters, Staff of . . 663 Light Infantrv, Officers of . 671
Light Infantry, Staff of . . 680 Numbers allowed on Active List 2295 Office of . . . .1839
Officers on Half-Pay, List of .2028 Officers of in Seniority . . 662 Recruiting Staff Officers . .